Sunday, August 15, 2010

Making Poi

Tena koutou katou
here's the finished product the Poi. Traditionally the poi was used
by men to make the wrists supple in preparation to use weaponry.

Here's Tehouhi using
her school made

The first step is to do four plat then you must tie a rive note.

There's Courtney and Laynah working on there poi but they were a bit to distracted by the camera.

There's cypress and Robert looks like there poi is not going to well. Once again the camera has attracted there attention.

Here's James Taylor and Ngaleigh
making the puffy bit on the poi.

There's Mereana and I working on our first poi and looking as good as ever I might add,

Here's Tehouhi again using the poi
the traditional way.

click here

Thursday, August 12, 2010

These are the tamariki during their Maori language rotation.
We rotate the interactive wall as well. Good one Kees, Kalarney and Mere.

"Tino Ataahua wahine ma
o te ruma iwa. ka mau te wehi1"
"Beautiful room 9 girls in their kapahaka costumes. U da bomb!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kia ora whanau, this is room 9's blog. This is about our fun run which is taking place on the 31/8/10.

Brodie and Isaia protested about having this picture up on the blog.

This is just one of our warm-up excercise's we do before we practice cross country.We're getting sponsered

Whanau, we are raising the money to get a prize just ten dollars can get you a prize.

Look at these 4 weirdo's,"ha ha ha."
This is another one of our excercise's.

This is Monty he is the mascot travelling around with the Westfield team who visit schools to talk to themabout the fun run and to show all the prizes they could win. Please support your child as they will need to collect sponsors for the prizes they have chosen.