Monday, November 8, 2010


"Kia ora koutou Whanau, whanui!"

This is Courtney and Clarke along with me, Lachlan.

They play in the Whakatane orchestra involving all the schools in the area. We are about to perform La bamba for our classmates. They are all waiting in anticipation.

This is Courtney she plays the fithe (which is just a small flute). Courtney sits in the middle of the orchestra. Her teacher is Mrs Hanwright.

Now this is me. I play the tenor horn in the brass section like my brother.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Kia ora whanau, as you all know the Commonwealth games in Dehli have been going on, and we have been doing some work on it.

My brother and I told our parents of the work we are doing. They told us that they have bronze medals from the Commonwealth games held in New Zealand in 1990 (as you can see in the photos). But it's not exactly the same as you would think, because my parents got their medals for playing an instrument in the brass band that played at the opening ceremony. (They didn't even compete for the medals). The 34 other band members all got bronze as well. New Zealand couldn't afford 36 gold medals.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Kia ora koutou!"
Snow White (our school production)
The whole cast has been practicing all of term three. Finally the tickets are out and going fast.
You buy a ticket at the office now! You can also buy a ticket at the door. Show times:
* Tuesday night 7 - 8.30pm
* Wednesday night 7 - 8.30pm
* Thursday night 7 - 8. 30 0r 8.45pm

"Haere mai koutou whanau".
Teeny Tribe
Here comes Milton,
Here comes Beamer,
Following behind is Snuffles our sneezer,
Snoozy stretching trying to come life.
There is Grouchy always grumbling,
Muncher comes behind his tummy is rumbling,
Last comes Chief the one who runs the Show.
This is the dwarf theme song Teeny tribe.

Johnny boy you can waiata, and you play your part well. Rasta to you Johnny.

Oceania is not a wicked manipulating person.
She's a very nice person. We think you play your part
well kare, kia kaha tonu.

These are the girls that are in choir Alyscia, Taylah, Ngaleigh and TeRuarehe in there beautiful dresses.
"Go room 9 wahine.

"Hey!" here is
one of the dwarf's you'll
hate to mess with her when germs are spreading, this is Milton

Thursday, September 2, 2010

fun run

kia ora koutou

This is a photo of most of the boys in our class most of them knew they were having there photos taken others didn't.

Here's the class after our run were about to go back to school but we look happy.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Making Poi

Tena koutou katou
here's the finished product the Poi. Traditionally the poi was used
by men to make the wrists supple in preparation to use weaponry.

Here's Tehouhi using
her school made

The first step is to do four plat then you must tie a rive note.

There's Courtney and Laynah working on there poi but they were a bit to distracted by the camera.

There's cypress and Robert looks like there poi is not going to well. Once again the camera has attracted there attention.

Here's James Taylor and Ngaleigh
making the puffy bit on the poi.

There's Mereana and I working on our first poi and looking as good as ever I might add,

Here's Tehouhi again using the poi
the traditional way.

click here

Thursday, August 12, 2010

These are the tamariki during their Maori language rotation.
We rotate the interactive wall as well. Good one Kees, Kalarney and Mere.

"Tino Ataahua wahine ma
o te ruma iwa. ka mau te wehi1"
"Beautiful room 9 girls in their kapahaka costumes. U da bomb!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kia ora whanau, this is room 9's blog. This is about our fun run which is taking place on the 31/8/10.

Brodie and Isaia protested about having this picture up on the blog.

This is just one of our warm-up excercise's we do before we practice cross country.We're getting sponsered

Whanau, we are raising the money to get a prize just ten dollars can get you a prize.

Look at these 4 weirdo's,"ha ha ha."
This is another one of our excercise's.

This is Monty he is the mascot travelling around with the Westfield team who visit schools to talk to themabout the fun run and to show all the prizes they could win. Please support your child as they will need to collect sponsors for the prizes they have chosen.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Kia ora whanau,
hope you all recieved the notices for the hakari a ta Raapa ki te haere mai nei.

INVITATION: Ka haere mai nei ki te kura mo te Hakari.
This coming Wednesday.

ROOM 9 AND 11would like to invite parents along to share in the kai to celebrate finishing of our topic Matariki.

WHAT WE WILL BE DOING: The children will be celebrating this Monday and Tuesday finishing with a kai / Hakari.

* We will finish our mini study.
* Start our raranga/flax weaving
* Share songs.
* Share what we have found out about MATARIKI.

* Continue with flax weaving
* Play string games
* Rakau / stick games
* Sing waiata.

* Story telling / Legends of matariki
* Preparing for hakari
* Finish weaving etc...

Please feel free to come and celebrtae along with your child. This is a good time for parents to meet eachother and meet the teachers and our support staff within the immersion unit.
We would love to see you there.

Room 9 children would also like to bring an old toy or an old keepsake gift wrapped.The exchanging of gifts is celebrating a new beginning and setting new goals for term 3. Please allow them to wrap it up. Doing this helps to make goal setting meaningful.

Kia ora koutou whanau

Happy New Year

Na matou ko whaea katipa.

Ko whaea Ngamihi.

Ko whaea Alayna.

Ko whaea Diane.

Monday, June 14, 2010

MATARIKI: What is Matariki

Difinition of MATARIKI:

In the Maori language Matariki is the name of Pleiades star cluster, which was important for agriculture in establishing the correct time to plant crops.

There are two explanations of the name of MATARIKI firstly, MATARIKI (small eyes).
or MATARIKI (eyes of god).
Matariki is a small but distinctive star cluster whose appearence in the north eastern pre-dawn sky in late May, early June marks the start of a new phase of life.

For Maori it marks the beginning of a new year a time of the year when the food storehouses are filled for the winter (Hotoke) and is the start of replanting new beginnings, new growth, new developments .

It is a festive time celebrated with waiata/feasts hangi, games, giving of gifts and also a time to remember those who have passed away since the last time of the coming of Matariki.
There are many other cultures all over the world that celebrate the coming of Matariki.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

African Drumming

Tena koutou katoa

This is room 9 at african drumming. "Look at whaea Katipa!" Sybo and Jimi were the instructers.
Sybo had a good sense of humour.

Here are some comments from our class:

It was a thrill to watch all of the teachers trying their hardest, to do a funny African dance!

from Jonni.

Kalarney says, "It was exciting to be druming, and I liked the different names of the drums."
Ka taea koutou, ki te titiro a Brodie.
Tu meke aye whanau.
He was also thrilled to be joining the team for the drumming experience.

Isaia says, when he was dancing: It was excilerating
and i was very nervous.
It was very hard to concentrate with

hundreds of eyes staring at me.
This report was posted by Clarke, Lachlan. and Kees

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Clarke matou ko Kees ko Declan ko Cypress nga haututu.

Hello whanau this is Clarke,Kees,Declan,Cypress last term we went to camp .
The photo was taken on camp with the rest of room nine. Don"t they look mischieveous.
From Lachlan Spence.
Leave a comment whanau.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anei nga tamariki o te ruma iwa. This is the students of room 9 Apanui School.
We are one of two immersion classes in the town of Whakatane. Whakatane is on the east coast in the North Island of New Zealand. We are a level two immersion class. We learn the Maori language, waiata, waiata-a-ringa. (songs action songs). We are also practicing tititorea the short sticks games Maori children played on the Marae. Watch this blog for a video clip of room 9 children performing the short sticks.


Kees and Cypress are students of room 9. Kees is very confident on our paetapu at the start of our school day. He is fluent when delivering the greetings to our kaiako and the children in the class. He is fluent in two kiwaha (Maori proverbs). When Kees is on our paetapu we all sit up and take notice. kia kaha tonu Kees.

Cypress we are sorry about your accident on the playground that left you with a broken leg.
Great to have you back in class. We missed all your questions. Mauri ora korua
Please leave the boys a comment.


This is Ella Hamer she is a student of room 9 part of the whanau. We think she's really clever when she writes stories. She can really use words to paint a picture in the reader's mind.
Leave Ella a comment whanau.

Monday, May 17, 2010


This is a photo of the awesome room 9 children showing off on our playground.
They are the koolest bunch of tamariki. Scroll down to feed room 9's makimaki.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


What do you think of our interactive wall whanau.
The children like to rotate the Maori activities.
The children are learning about the use of personal pronouns in Maori.


Ka pai ke, tamariki o nga mahi toi.
Room 9's artwork and a written recount of the Maori legend. How Maui slowed the sun.